Ferrymead Printing Society Preserving the passion for print

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Isanaʻs Story

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I came to join the Printing Society through Kidsfest - the Christchurch City Council programme run for children in the July school holidays. We got booklets about it at school and as I hadnʻt been involved in Kidsfest before, I tried to do as many things as possible.
I wanted to do something with my Nana that she would be interested in - something that wasnʻt too modern. So when I saw the Printing was at Ferrymead Heritage Park, I thought it would be an interesting place for both of us to go to. But I didnʻt really know what we would be doing at the Printing session - it just sounded fun.
I didnʻt know what to expect when I first came to the Printery but when I saw all the old machinery in there, I thought it was pretty cool.
I found the activities we did in the Printery at Kidsfest were a lot of fun and I enjoyed the creative aspect of it, the way it was all hands on. As a result of the fun I had at Kidsfest, when I heard they were starting a Junior Print Group for younger printers, I wanted to come back and have a go at more stuff.
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I now go to the Printery every 1st and 3rd Sunday to work on new projects and try new stuff.
I enjoyed making different cards and posters with little sayings and stuff like that. Iʻve had a lot of fun printing on T shirts using the wooden type and graphics blocks.
One special thing I am very proud of is writing my own poem. The poem was about a plant and what it needs to make it grow and how, if you look after it, it gives back to the community and the ecosystem, etc. I stuck fabric onto cardboard and printed the poem on that. It was really loved by my family and even my elder brothers have it on their bedside tables, which is pretty special.
I like the fact that the process is all hands on and fun and creative, and then the outcome is something to really be proud of.
Even though it takes a long time, it is worth putting the time and energy into it for what you get out of it. If you are interested in art and being creative, I would encourage other kids to come along and see what it is about. Its a lot of fun.
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